Home Q News Entertainment “Girls “Cast Stars in Sexual Assault PSA Lena Dunham Dedicates to Stanford...

“Girls “Cast Stars in Sexual Assault PSA Lena Dunham Dedicates to Stanford Victim


L-R: Zosia Mamet, Lena Dunham, Allison Williams and Jemima Kirke; Mark Schafer/HBO(NEW YORK) — The stars of the HBO series Girls have unveiled a PSA that calls on people to help victims of sexual assault.

Lena Dunham, Allison Williams, Jemima Kirke and Zosia Mamet appear in the nearly two-minute-long video, which was released Wednesday.

In the clip, they say that while they don’t agree on a lot of issues, they do agree on the need to support victims of sexual assault. They cite statistics including one from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that states one in five women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

“This isn’t a secret. It’s reality. So why is our default reaction as a society to disbelieve or to silence or to shame?” they ask.

In tweeting the PSA, Dunham wrote, “I dedicate this to the brave survivor in the Stanford case who has given so much to change the conversation.”

The actress was referring to the highly publicized case in which Stanford University swimmer Brock Turner was recently sentenced to six months in jail after being convicting of sexually assaulting a woman on the California campus. In court, the unidentified victim read a statement to the judge that directly addressed her attacker, and it subsequently went viral.

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