15.5 F
sioux city, iowa
Monday, February 10, 2025

It will make you think, It could make you smart!  Every morning at 6:45 Listen for the question everyone will be talking about all day.  The Big Hairy Question on Q102.

Thursday 01/23/25 13% of people say its ok to do this
Answer – Eat on the toilet

Wednesday 01/22/25 30% of pet owners have purchased one of these for their pet. What is it?”
Answer: stroller

Tuesday 01/21/25 Eating two or more servings of this a week can save your life because it cuts the risk of heart disease by 20%. What is it?
Answer: avocado

Monday 01/20/25 On average this is touched 20 times before someone buys it
Answer – Pair of shoes

Friday 01/17/25 40% of people say this sound keeps them awake at night OR wakes them up. What is it?”
Answer: creaky, squeaky mattress

Thursday 01/16/25 12% of people will eat this even if it is stale. What is it?”
Answer: Peeps

Wednesday 01/15/25 This is the number one item in our homes we say we have too many of. What is it?
Answer: Hangers

Tuesday 01/14/25 35% of people say this is how they know they are out of shape
Answer: Struggle to bring in groceries

Monday 01/13/25 19% of people would rather spend a night in jail than do this. What is it?
Answer: pay taxes

Friday 01/10/25 ice cream is the most popular dessert. What’s the second?
Answer: Jello

Thursday 01/09/25 The average person uses 141 of these every year. What is it?
Answer: rolls of toilet paper

Wednesday 1/8/24 This happens to 13% of people every day
Answer: Think they feel or hear phone vibrate when it doesn’t

Tuesday 1/7/24 18% of singles never talk about this while on a date.
Answer: Debt

Monday 1/6/24 28% of singles say this is their biggest pet peeve when on a dinner date.
Answer: Slurping Spaghetti

Friday 1/3/24 21% of women are going to make this New Year’s Resolution. What is it?
Answer: Less Online Shopping

Thursday 1/2/24 11% of people have done this at work.
Answer: Use Toilet Paper they Brought from Work

Wednesday 1/1/24 No BHQ Today

Tuesday 12/31/24 96% of households buy this at least once a month.
Answer: Bananas

Thursday 01/02/25 11% of people have done this at work
Answer – Used TP they brought from home

Tuesday 12/31/24 96% of households buy this at least once a month. What is it?”
Answer: bananas

Monday 12/30/24 This happens over 200K times each year.
Answer: Someone breaks off engagement

Friday 12/27/24 No BHQ Today

Thursday 12/26/24 No BHQ Today

Wednesday 12/25/24 Christmas

Tuesday 12/24/24 In Japan, it’s a tradition to eat this fast food on Christmas.
Answer: KFC

Monday 12/23/24 The average person spends 25 minutes a day doing this.
Answer: Falling asleep

Friday 12/20/24 14% of people do this when sick.
Answer: Text their coworker to see what they missed

Thursday 12/19/24 The average person has three of these a week.
Answer: Nightmares

Wednesday 12/18/24 6% of people agree on this.
Answer: 2024 was best year of their life

Tuesday 12/17/24 40% of people say this is the first thing they notice about others.
Answer: Their handshake

Monday 12/16/24 This is the top thing you shouldn’t do at an office Christmas party.
Answer: Bring a friend who doesnt work for the company

Friday 12/13/24 1 out of 5 women between the ages of 25 and 55 say the best compliment they can get is what?
Answer: Their purse

Thursday 12/12/24 The average mom spends 577 hours per year going here.
Answer: Attending sporting events for her kids

Wednesday 12/11/24 This is the number one lie told in the workplace. What is it?
Answer: “I’m in a meeting.”

Tuesday 12/10/24 33% of people forget to do this on a daily basis.
Answer: Brush their teeth

Monday 12/9/24 70% of people have lied to their partner about this.
Answer: What they have eaten

Friday 12/6/24 15% of people have done this while visiting somebody.
Answer: Used their toothbrush

Thursday 12/5/24 25% of people have stayed in a relationship because of this.
Answer: Their dog

Wednesday 12/4/24 20% of adults have done this.
Answer: Been in a band

Tuesday 12/3/24 74% of people do not have this skill.
Answer: Parallel parking

Monday 12/2/24 19% of people are scared of this.
Answer: Getting passed by a semi

Friday 11/29/24 38% of people did this on Thanksgiving.
Answer: Light a scented candle

Thursday 11/28/24 Thanksgiving.

Wednesday 11/27/24 1.76 billion of these items are produced every year.
Answer: Candy canes

Tuesday 11/26/24 17% of online daters lie about this in their dating profile.
Answer: Vacations they have taken

Monday 11/25/24 35% of people hope to achieve this goal. What is it?
Answer: Improve their credit score

Friday 11/22/24 Home decor and gift cards are the two most regifted items. What’s the third?
Answer: Wine or champagne

Thursday 11/21/24 14% of people did this during the holidays.
Answer: Burned themselves while cooking

Wednesday 11/20/24 Average person loses 5 of these a year.
Answer: Spoons

Tuesday 11/19/24 35% of people would change this.
Answer: Location of their proposal

Monday 11/18/24 Only 17% of people have this at home.
Answer: Handmade quilt

Friday 11/15/24 In a recent survey of families who just went on vacation, the #1 item they forgot to bring with them is a toothbrush. What is the #2 item?
Answer: Underwear

Thursday 11/14/24 34% of people have this routine at work.
Answer: Using a bathroom on a different floor of the building.

Wednesday 11/13/24 A quarter of people don’t know what to do about this problem
Answer: Being bullied at work

Tuesday 11/12/24 26% of people plan to bake this during the holiday season.
Answer: Peanut butter cookies

Monday 11/11/24 15% of people have done this on a date.
Answer: Brought their pet

Friday 11/8/24 5% of men would never admit to knowing how to do this even though they do. Answer: Knitting

Thursday 11/7/24 Men that have a pic of this on their dating app receive three times more matches on dating apps than men that don’t. What is it?
Answer: Facial hair

Wednesday 11/6/24 14% of people say they feel guilty after eating this during the holidays.
Answer: Cinnamon rolls

Tuesday 11/5/24 Only 12% of people can do this.
Answer: Wiggle their ears

Monday 11/4/24 More than half of people in this survey do not know how to do this on a car.
Answer: Refill windshield washer fluid

Friday 11/1/24 33% of women celebrate the Fall season by doing this in their home.
Answer: Light seasonal candles

Thursday 10/31/24 10% of women are embarrassed about eating this on a date.
Answer: Sushi

Wednesday 10/30/24 Women say jeans and THIS are the top two things they like to splurge on.
Answer: Flowers

Tuesday 10/29/24 29% of parents will celebrate the holidays between now and Christmas by doing this with their children.
Answer: Decorating gingerbread houses

Monday 10/28/24 33% of people do this after watching a horror film.
Answer: Double-check all of the locks in their home

Friday 10/25/24 36% of homes have this. What is it?
Answer: A welcome mat

Thursday 10/24/24 48% of people say they look forward to eating this during the Fall and upcoming holiday season. What is it?
Answer: biscuits

Wednesday 10/23/24 This happens the most on a Monday
Answer – Lock keys in the car

Tuesday 10/22/24 23% of people hate it when their partner does this in the house because it makes more work for them. What is it?
Answer: Leave wet towels/clothes on floor

Monday 10/21/24 57% of people don’t know this despite seeing it often?
Answer: License plate number

Friday 10/18/24 56% of people won’t date someone, who doesn’t do this well. What is it?”
Answer: drive

Thursday 10/17/24 7% of people would rather ditch their partner than this. What is it?”
Answer: their dishwasher

Wednesday 10/16/24 Only 19% of people would be willing to buy a used one of these. What is it?
Answer A hat.

Tuesday 10/15/24 2% of people have broken up with someone by doing this
Answer: Sending a Poem

Monday 10/14/24 Over half of people haven’t done this in 3 years
Answer: Listened to a voicemail

Friday 10/11/24 Break for Breakfast no BHQ today

Thursday 10/10/24 11% of newlyweds say this was their favorite part of their wedding. What is it?
Answer: First dance

Wednesday 10/09/24 Your mom would likely wear this a lot back in the day but only 1 in 10 women say they’ll wear one today. What is it?
Answer: Apron

Tuesday 10/08/24 Over 20% of people try to hide this from others
Answer – How old their phone is

Monday 10/07/24 6% of people don’t do this as much as they used to.
Answer: Change their underwear

Friday 10/04/24 5% of single men have had this happened on a date. What is it?
Answer: credit card declined

Thursday 10/03/24 15% Of Us Say We Prefer To Do This WITHOUT Our Significant Others.
Answer: Grocery Shopping

Wednesday 10/02/24 10% of people would give up their smartphone if it meant they could eat this for free for the rest of their lives. What is it?
Answer: free Big Macs

Tuesday 10/01/24 More than 10% Of People Say THIS Smell Makes Them Happy.
Answer: Clean Sheets

Monday 09/30/24 37% of people have done this while driving even though they shouldn’t have. What is it?”
Answer: shopped online

Friday 09/27/24 71% of truck owners would rather give up this than their truck.
Answer: Coffee

Thursday 09/26/24 31% of children have never eaten this.
Answer: Orange

Wednesday 09/25/24 5% of us have this item in our homes but never use it.
Answer: dishwasher

Tuesday 09/24/24 40% of women say doing this puts them in a good mood.
Answer: taking a bath

Monday 09/23/24 32% of people forget to do this.
Answer: Turning without signaling when driving

Friday 09/20/24 The average person is 16 when this happens.
Answer: First cup of coffee

Thursday 09/19/24 The average person is 16 when this happens.
Answer: First cup of coffee

Wednesday 09/18/24 10% of people have tried to get out of a speeding ticket by doing this.
Answer: telling an officer they were heading to a funeral

Tuesday 09/17/24 13% of people are insecure about this.
Answer: their freckles

Monday 09/16/24 56% of people have lied about this.
Answer: They enjoyed someone’s cooking

Friday 09/13/24 14% of kids got this item for back-to-school.
Answer: A pair of glasses

Thursday 09/12/24 60% of people lose sleep because of this.
Answer: After their favorite team loses

Wednesday 09/11/24 65% of people say co-workers should never wear this at work.
Answer: Spandex

Tuesday 09/10/24 Most of us have one of these but 3.5% of us have two.
Answer: middle name

Monday 09/09/24 Over 70% of people do this every week.
Answer: Run a red light

Friday 09/06/24 7 in 10 adults haven’t done this in the last 5 years.
Answer: Make a friend

Thursday 09/05/24 28% of people reward themselves with this.
Answer: Pizza

Wednesday 09/04/24 34% of people have never cleaned this in their house.
Answer: their curtains

Tuesday 09/03/24 This happens to the average parent 4 times a day.
Answer: Receive email from kids school

Monday 09/02/24 We sleeping

Thursday 10/24/24 48% of people say they look forward to eating this during the Fall and upcoming holiday season. What is it?
Answer: biscuits

Wednesday 10/23/24 This happens the most on a Monday
Answer – Lock keys in the car

Tuesday 10/22/24 23% of people hate it when their partner does this in the house because it makes more work for them. What is it?
Answer: Leave wet towels/clothes on floor

Monday 10/21/24 57% of people don’t know this despite seeing it often?
Answer: License plate number

Friday 10/18/24 56% of people won’t date someone, who doesn’t do this well. What is it?”
Answer: drive

Thursday 10/17/24 7% of people would rather ditch their partner than this. What is it?”
Answer: their dishwasher

Wednesday 10/16/24 Only 19% of people would be willing to buy a used one of these. What is it?
Answer A hat.

Tuesday 10/15/24 2% of people have broken up with someone by doing this
Answer: Sending a Poem

Monday 10/14/24 Over half of people haven’t done this in 3 years
Answer: Listened to a voicemail

Friday 10/11/24 Break for Breakfast no BHQ today

Thursday 10/10/24 11% of newlyweds say this was their favorite part of their wedding. What is it?
Answer: First dance

Wednesday 10/09/24 Your mom would likely wear this a lot back in the day but only 1 in 10 women say they’ll wear one today. What is it?
Answer: Apron

Tuesday 10/08/24 Over 20% of people try to hide this from others
Answer – How old their phone is

Monday 10/07/24 6% of people don’t do this as much as they used to.
Answer: Change their underwear

Friday 10/04/24 5% of single men have had this happened on a date. What is it?
Answer: credit card declined

Thursday 10/03/24 15% Of Us Say We Prefer To Do This WITHOUT Our Significant Others.
Answer: Grocery Shopping

Wednesday 10/02/24 10% of people would give up their smartphone if it meant they could eat this for free for the rest of their lives. What is it?
Answer: free Big Macs

Tuesday 10/01/24 More than 10% Of People Say THIS Smell Makes Them Happy.
Answer: Clean Sheets

Monday 09/30/24 37% of people have done this while driving even though they shouldn’t have. What is it?”
Answer: shopped online

Friday 09/27/24 71% of truck owners would rather give up this than their truck.
Answer: Coffee

Thursday 09/26/24 31% of children have never eaten this.
Answer: Orange

Wednesday 09/25/24 5% of us have this item in our homes but never use it.
Answer: dishwasher

Tuesday 09/24/24 40% of women say doing this puts them in a good mood.
Answer: taking a bath

Monday 09/23/24 32% of people forget to do this.
Answer: Turning without signaling when driving

Friday 09/20/24 The average person is 16 when this happens.
Answer: First cup of coffee

Thursday 09/19/24 The average person is 16 when this happens.
Answer: First cup of coffee

Wednesday 09/18/24 10% of people have tried to get out of a speeding ticket by doing this.
Answer: telling an officer they were heading to a funeral

Tuesday 09/17/24 13% of people are insecure about this.
Answer: their freckles

Monday 09/16/24 56% of people have lied about this.
Answer: They enjoyed someone’s cooking

Friday 09/13/24 14% of kids got this item for back-to-school.
Answer: A pair of glasses

Thursday 09/12/24 60% of people lose sleep because of this.
Answer: After their favorite team loses

Wednesday 09/11/24 65% of people say co-workers should never wear this at work.
Answer: Spandex

Tuesday 09/10/24 Most of us have one of these but 3.5% of us have two.
Answer: middle name

Monday 09/09/24 Over 70% of people do this every week.
Answer: Run a red light

Friday 09/06/24 7 in 10 adults haven’t done this in the last 5 years.
Answer: Make a friend

Thursday 09/05/24 28% of people reward themselves with this.
Answer: Pizza

Wednesday 09/04/24 34% of people have never cleaned this in their house.
Answer: their curtains

Tuesday 09/03/24 This happens to the average parent 4 times a day.
Answer: Receive email from kids school

Monday 09/02/24 We sleeping