Home Moose and Google The Big Hairy Question

The Big Hairy Question

It will make you think, It could make you smart!  Every morning at 6:45 Listen for the question everyone will be talking about all day.  The Big Hairy Question on Q102.

Click on each question to see the answers. 

Thursday 04/11/24 What is the most important thing you need to live a fulfilling life?

Answer: Friends

Wednesday 04/10/24 22% of people say that this is how they met one of their dates.

Answer: While traveling

Tuesday 04/09/24 A study says on a construction site, women are better at doing this than men.

Answer: Hammering nails

Monday 04/08/24 Men clean this every 18 days while women clean this every 15 days.

Answer: their bath towel

Friday 04/05/24 Of adults who say they have overdone it with alcohol, 30% say they have woken up to find this.

Answer: An open refrigerator door

Thursday 04/04/24 Studies show you’re more likely to have nightmares if you do this every night…

Answer: Sleep naked

Wednesday 04/03 20% of people have broken a diet because this happened to them.

Answer: bad day at work

Tuesday 04/02/24 59% of home buyers are turned off by this when they walk through a home.

Answer: dirty kitchen

Monday 04/01/24 7% of people say their pet does this less than their partner does.

Answer: snore

Friday 03/29/24 8% of single men are turned off by a woman, who does this.

Answer: bite their nails

Thursday 03/28/24 5% of people eat this every day.

Answer: ice cream

Wednesday 03/27/24 80% of people say it upsets them to hear this.

Answer: Their own voice

Tuesday 03/26/24 Only 46% of Millennials know how to do this.

Answer: bake a cake

Monday 03/25/24 57% of men say they aren’t comfortable doing this.

Answer: Open a bottle of wine

Friday 03/22/24 40% of people have worn this at least once.

Answer: Mickey Mouse Ears

Thursday 03/21/24 33% of women have dreamed about having a date here.

Answer: Eiffel Tower

Wednesday 03/20/24 Kids think this is the most embarrassing thing about their parents.

Answer: When they sing

Tuesday 03/19/24 28% of people have done this at work.

Answer: Opened up a drawer on coworkers desk

Monday 03/18/24 Bad breath(11%) is the biggest turn-off for singles. What's the second biggest turn-off?

Answer: dirty fingernails

Friday 03/17/24 34% of moms regularly do this.

Answer: play video games on their phone

Thursday 03/14/24 36% of women never get rid of these.

Answer: Jeans

Wednesday 03/13/24 6% of people place turkey gravy on this.

Answer: pancakes

Tuesday 03/12/24 30% of people have never done this in the Winter.

Answer: had a snowball fight

Monday 03/11/24 40% of people say this makes them feel better when they are sick.

Answer: favorite blanket

Friday 03/08/24 51% of people wish they could change this about themselves.

Answer: their teeth

Thursday 03/07/24 We spend 20 minutes a day doing this.

Answer: Thinking about vacation

Wednesday 03/06/24 The top dating app photo turn-off for women is men who take a bathroom mirror selfie. What's the second biggest turn-off?

Answer: sticking their tongue out

Tuesday 03/05/24 24% of people say they get distracted by this.

Answer: Items in background of a Zoom meeting

Monday 03/04/24 Passing gas is the most embarrassing thing people say they have accidentally done in public. What's the second most embarrassing thing they've been told about?

Answer: Having something in their nose

Friday 03/01/24 73% of men who have this, have less success on dating sites and apps.

\Answer: receding hairline

Thursday 02/29/24 40% of couples share this.

Answer: razor

Wednesday 02/28/24 17% of people wish they would have done this.

Answer: Marry somebody with more money

Tuesday 02/27/24 41% of people have never tasted this dessert.

Answer: S'mores

Monday 02/26/24 Eating this increases your life expectancy by 33 minutes.

Answer: peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Friday 02/23/24 A chocolate bar and carryout food are the top two things people treat themselves to when they have a good day. What's the third?

Answer: Wine

Thursday 02/22/24 17% of people use this at work.

Answer: Post-It Notes

Wednesday 02/21/24 Average person has 5 of these.

Answer: Favorite recipes

Tuesday 02/20/24 90% of employees say they do this at work even though they know they probably shouldn’t.

Answer: Work when they’re sick

Monday 0219/24 32% of people eat this out of its container.

Answer: salsa

Friday 02/16/24 A new survey reveals that 2 million Brits like this smell.

Anwsers: have a fetish for smelly feet

Thursday 02/15/24 19% of couples no longer do this at their wedding.

Answer: bride wears white wedding dress

Wednesday 02/14/24 A survey says this is the #1 exercise people avoid doing in public.

Answer: Crunches

Tuesday 02/13/24 Only 27% of people can do this.

Answer: Flare their nostrils

Monday 02/12/24 24% of people who work from home, do this on a daily basis.

Answer: chores

Friday 02/09/24 23% of singles don't mention this on a first date.

Answer: that they smoke

Thursday 02/08/24 71% of people own one of these.

Answer: a grill

Wednesday 02/07/24 Doctors say you should do this for 7 minutes a day in order to reduce stress.

Answer: smile

Tuesday 02/06/24 24% of people do not know how to do this to their car.

Answer: change the clock

Monday 02/05/24 The average person replaces this every 3 years.

Answer- Computer mouse

Friday 02/02/24 29% of people do this on a Monday.

Answer: go to a health club

Thursday 02/01/24 New survey says 40% of people would consider this in the future.

Answer: Getting married to AI

Wednesday 01/3/31/24 Researchers say they found something that men do better than women .

Answer: Sleep

Tuesday 01/30/24 This is one of the biggest turn offs on a dating app.

Only group pictures

Monday 01/29/24 25% of people have never washed this.

Answer: pillow

Friday 01/26/24 The average person eats three of these a week.

Answer: three candy bars

Thursday 01/25/24 45% of people keep this until it comes apart.

Answer: mattress

Wednesday 01/24/243% of people have never eaten this candy.

Answer: marshmallow Peep

Tuesday 01/23/24 49% of people say this is their favorite veggie.

Answer: cauliflower

Monday 01/22/24 Doing this in your home for an hour will burn 238 calories.

Answer: vacuum

Friday 01/19/24 46% of office workers never do this at work.

Answer: use the bathroom

Thursday 01/18/24 ⅔ of single people prefer this.

Answer: Phone call over video chat when getting to know somebody

Wednesday 01/17/24 32% of people cringe when they hear this sound.

Answer: baby crying

Tuesday 01/16/24 25% of adults say they do this at least once a month

Answer: Buy a lottery ticket

Monday 01/13/24 1 in 5 employers has had a gen Z’er do this at an interview.

Answer: Bring a parent.

Friday 01/12/24 5% of people wait six months or more before changing this.

Answer: their toothbrush.

Thursday 01/11/24 5% of people wait six months or more before changing this.

Answer: their toothbrush.

Wednesday 01/10/24 40% of women will receive this on Valentine's Day.

Answer: a greeting card

Tuesday 01/09/24 The average person spends 37 minutes a week doing this.

Answer: grocery shopping

Monday 01/08/24 The average person does this 150 times every year.

Answer – Use a grocery bag for something

Friday 01/05/24 43% of people would give this up for five years in order to be able to retire early.

Answer: Drinking

Thursday 01/04/24 38% of people say they messed this up while cooking it.

Answer: pancakes

Wednesday 01/03/24 Body odor is the top smell people dislike. What's the second?

Answer: sour milk

Tuesday 01/02/24 There are still over 800,000 of these in use in America

Answer: Pagers

Monday 10/23/23 : 73% of people have at least one of these.

Answer: Family recipe that’s been passed down

Friday 10/20/23 Brake For Breakfast No BHQ

Friday 10/20/23 Brake For Breakfast No BHQ

Thursday 10/19/23 32% of people do this physical activity when they want to de-stress.

Answer: go for a jog or hit the treadmill

Wednesday 10/18/23 23% of us haven’t done this in the past 12 months.

Answer: Called in sick.

Tuesday 10/17/23 The average person spends $182 a year on this.

Answer: toilet paper

Monday 10/16/23 14% of online daters get annoyed with other online daters when they post pics of themselves doing this.

Answer: holding a fish

Friday 10/13/23 ​​Only 38% of people wash this on a daily basis.

Answer: their feet

Thursday 10/12/23 37% of women say they wouldn’t date a guy because of this.

Answer: If they didn’t like his name

Wednesday 10/11/23 10% of people have played this sport.

Answer: pickleball

Tuesday 10/10/23 26% of people say this is their biggest Zoom call pet peeve.

Answer: yawning

Monday 10/09/23 27% of online daters lie about this.

Answer: their income

Friday 10/06/23 Men are 3-times more likely than women to forget to bring this on a trip…

Answer: Food

Thursday 10/05/23 1 out of 5 people say they have started doing this more often.

Answer: Eating TV dinners

Wednesday 10/04/23 26% of people have inherited this.

Answer: a watch

Tuesday 10/03/23 28% of married people don’t know this.

Answer: Their spouses salary

Monday 10/02/23 37% of parents say this is the hardest thing about having a newborn.

Answer: choosing a name























Wednesday 01/25/23 A recent survey finds that people who eat this camp more than five times a month.
Grilled cheese sandwich.

Tuesday 01/24/23 One in eight women have had to teach their partner how to use this.
The coffee maker

Monday 01/23/23 48% of couples who live together cannot agree on this.
How to fold towels

Monday 09/20/22 Only 2% of women think this looks good on a man.
Man Bun

Wednesday 04/20/22 Women clean this once a month while men clean it once a year.
Their home’s windows

Tuesday 04/19/22 10% of people have eaten six or more of these at one meal.

Monday 04/18/22 15% of people have blown off a workout because they were too busy doing this.
Watching Netflix

Friday 04/15/22 37% of people have embarrassed themselves in a work meeting by doing this.

Thursday 04/14/22 79% of health nuts have tried this health fad.
Celery juice

Wednesday 04/13/22 Only 8% of people can’t remember their first (blank).

Tuesday 04/12/22 Kids say this is the #1 thing that will put them in a bad mood in the morning.
Having to finish their homework

Monday 04/11/22 31% of students have given this to a teacher at one time or another.
coffee mug

Friday 4/08/22 20% of people will visit this place once the coronavirus lockdown ends.
dog park

Thursday 04/07/22 The average woman will devote 35% more time to doing this than the average man.
Packing for a trip

Wednesday 04/06/22 26% of people do this when they make a home-cooked meal.

Tuesday 04/05/22 Your co-workers are almost 30% more likely to do this on a Friday.

Monday 04/4/22 53% of people have broken a diet with this.

Friday 04/01/22 About 60% of Uber drivers say this is one of the worst things you can do when they give you a ride.
Slam the door

Thursday 03/31/22 35% of people don’t wash their clothes after doing this.

Wednesday 03/30/22 This is one of the top three pet peeves of people, who binge-watch movies and TV shows with others.
Loud chewing or chewing with mouth open

Tuesday 03/29/22 The average person who does this will do it for 86 days.
Become a vegetarian

Monday 03/28/22 53% of people do this for their pet.
switch on a light

Friday 03/25/22 66% of women would rather receive this every day from their partner than an expensive gift like a handbag.
cup of coffee brewed for them

Thursday 03/24/22 Approximately 70 people in America will injure themselves this year while doing this at their job.
Copying their face on the copy machine

Wednesday 03/23/22 94% of women have used their rear-view mirror to do this while driving.
pluck a facial hair

Tuesday 03/22/22 hey may be too embarrassed to admit it, but one in eight men have done this in the last month.
Shaved their legs

Monday 03/21/22 Nine percent of people say they won’t ever wear (blank).
A seatbelt

Friday 03/18/22 40% of women have tried to improve their appearance by doing this.

Thursday 03/17/22 Seven percent of people have a real fear of putting on (blank).
Bowling shoes

Wednesday 03/16/22 The average one of these is only meant to be used for 270 days.
A bra

Tuesday 03/15/22 16% of teens don’t think they could last a day without this.
their laptop

Monday 03/14/22 53% of women say this is the most stressful thing about going to the doctor.
getting weighed

Friday 03/11/22 Two-thirds of men and one-third of women consistently lie when doing this.
Talking to their doctor

Thursday 03/10/22 Americans will eat approximately 9 billion (blank) this year.

Wednesday 03/09/22 A study by Harvard Medical School reveals that eating ___________slashes a person’s risk of an abnormal heartbeat by more than 20%.

Tuesday 03/08/22 23% of self quarantining women have stopped doing this.
stopped shaving their armpits

Monday 03/07/22 34% of mothers love stealing this food from their children’s plates.
mac and cheese

Friday 03/04/22 5% of people kill time at work by looking at this.

Thursday 03/03/22 Female online daters, who are fans of this TV show receive 30% more messages than women who aren’t fans of the show.
Game of Thrones

Wednesday 03/02/22 Six percent of people don’t know a single (blank) by heart.

Tuesday 03/01/22 38% of people have lost sleep at night because they were thinking about this.
medical bill

Monday 02/28/22 27% of dogs have chewed on this.

Friday 02/25/22 Online daters, who send messages that compliment someone’s _______get 13% more responses.

Thursday 02/24/22 The consumption of this increases by 9% during March Madness.

Wednesday 02/23/22 23% of people eat this when binge-watching Netflix.

Tuesday 02/22/22 Mothers-to-be who boost their intake of THIS during the first three months of their pregnancy are up to eight times more likely to have babies who cry less.

Monday 02/21/22 We are sleeping on Presidents Day!

Friday 02/18/22 Nearly 40% of people agree this is one of the most frustrating things about their daily commute.
Having to wait at a red light when no one is coming from the other direction.

Thursday 02/17/22 This is the dirtiest part of an Uber car with over 5 million germs.
power window buttons

Wednesday 02/16/22 A survey found that 16-percent of football fans did this during the season, what is it?
Gained 20 or more pounds

Tuesday 02/15/22 This is the second most stolen snack at work.

Monday 02/14/22 The best place in the house to hide something is (blank). This was the #1 answer.
In the laundry room or laundry basket

Friday 02/11/22 Experts claim that the top two foods that even the pickiest eaters will still eat are (blank) and (blank).
French fries and Mac ‘n cheese

Thursday 02/10/22 27% of teens own this.

Wednesday 02/09/22 16% of single men say this is the first thing they look at on a dating profile.
job status

Tuesday 02/08/22 A survey of experts found this to be the best thing you can do to start your day.
Drink a glass of water

Monday 02/07/22 Spring Cleaning experts say this drink can be used to safely polish furniture.

Friday 02/04/22 Almost one in ten people say there is not enough (blank) at their job.
Actual work to do

Thursday 02/03/22 A survey of 64,000 people lists this as the top comfort food.
grilled cheese

Wednesday 02/02/22 53% of people who have one say they never use it.
The sunroof/moonroof in their car

Tuesday 02/01/22 59% of women do this before a date.
put on perfume

Monday 01/31/22 41% of people DO NOT want this for Valentine’s Day.
teddy bear

Friday 01/28/22 This is one rule that 55% of people say they’ll never break.
Having too many items in the express checkout lane

Thursday 01/27/22 95% of people say doing this makes them feel better after a bad day.

Wednesday 01/26/22 Couples say this is the third best place to propose.
a theme park or an amusement park

Tuesday 01/25/22 People who own this, are 15 times more likely to be judged negatively.
Apple iPhone

Monday 01/24/22 50% of women have canceled a date because of this.
bad hair day

Friday 01/21/22 The #1 most romantic movie is Gone with the Wind. What is #2?
Pretty Woman

Thursday 01/20/22 The #1 thing forgotten by adults is where they put their keys. What’s #2?
What they need from the store, or why they even went

Wednesday 01/19/22 28% of people say they do this to support their favorite team.

Tuesday 01/18/22 People will spend $933 million on this for Valentine’s Day.
greeting cards

Monday 01/17/22 28% of people say a great Super Bowl party has this homemade dish.
spinach dip

Friday 01/14/22 25% of people would rather give up drinking than this.

Thursday 01/13/22 Besides phones and other electronic gadgets, these are the #1 things left behind in Las Vegas hotel rooms.

Wednesday 01/12/22 49% of people crave this on a daily basis.

Tuesday 01/11/22 12.5 million pounds of this will be eaten on Super Bowl Sunday.

Monday 01/10/22 A new survey found that women were nearly 5-times more likely to do this on New Year’s than men, what is it?
Spend it with a pet.

Friday 01/07/22 The average person downs 1,795 calories every time they eat here.
when they go to the movies.

Thursday 01/06/22 Spicy food lovers are six times more likely than non-spicy food lovers to have done this activity.
gone bungee jumping

Wednesday 01/05/22 15% of men have done this job.
mow the lawn

Tuesday 01/04/22 23% of people dip their chicken wings in this.
teriyaki sauce

Monday 01/03/22 Men say this is the fourth-best thing about being a guy.
Not having to shave your legs, armpits etc.

Friday 12/31/22 6% of people say this is the worst dollar store holiday gift they have received. What is it?”

Thursday 12/30/21 This is the most disliked piece of clothing a person can receive as a Xmas gift.

Wednesday 12/29/21 A survey says the best go-to gift for anyone on your list is…what? #2 Was a  Gift basket

Tuesday 12/28/21 What is the most commonly returned Xmas gift item?

Monday 12/27/On average, THIS happened to many people on Christmas morning at 9:58?
First fight or argument!

11/04/21 Thursday 20% of people have made this home improvement before having friends and family over for the holidays.
Paint their walls

11/03/21 Wednesday 38% of people would give this up if their partner asked them to.

11/02/21 Tuesday The average person eats this twice a week.

11/01/21 Monday 60% of people say others who reuse this are cheap.
Coffee filters

10/29/21 Friday 49% of couples would be willing to give up “camping” for six months if it meant they could make this bigger.
Their closet

10/28/21 Thursday 98% of women say their partner should never do this.
Wear a Speedo

Wednesday 10/27/21 46% of us do this every time we watch our favorite TV shows.
Sit in the same spot

Tuesday 10/26/21 30% of women do this to relax.
drink wine while taking a bath

Monday 10/25/21 ​​25% of women have regular dreams about this.
buying shoes

Friday 10/22/21 44% of people say eating this puts them in a food coma.
mashed potatoes

Thursday 10/21/21 More than 30% of single people say that if asked about this on a first date, they would lie.
If they snore

Wednesday 10/20/21 27% of women snack less when they are doing this.

Tuesday 10/19/21 The average woman will purchase 207 of these over the course of her life.

Monday 10/18/21 18% of drivers get nervous on the highway because of this.
driving next to a truck

Friday 10/15/21 The top three places where couples kiss outside their home are: The car, the airport, and (blank).
An elevator

Thursday 10/14/21 A person needs to dance for 4 minutes to burn off this snack.
One Dorito chip

Wednesday 10/13/21 49% of women want their partner to do this when they are sick.

Tuesday 10/12/21 The average woman will purchase 220 of these over the course of her life.

Monday 10/11/21 14% of single men will swipe right on a dating app if they see a woman that has this.

Friday 10/08/21 95% of men say having this makes them feel manly.
facial hair

Thursday 10/07/21 68% of women prefer to shop for this on their own.

Wednesday 10/06/21 What sounds are guaranteed to make you happy? Fifteen percent of people included this sound in their list.
A cat’s purring

Tuesday 10/05/21 Singles, who mention this in their online dating profile get 144% more messages than those who don’t.

Monday 10/04/21 48% of people have hid this purchase from a partner.

Friday 10/01/21 15% of Americans say they definitely judge people by this?

Thursday 09/30/21 A study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine reveals that this food is as addictive as drugs.

Wednesday 09/29/21 79% of teens say this distracts them when they drive.
GPS talking

Tuesday 09/28/21 9% of married couples tell people they met here.
Coffee shop

Monday 09/27/21 44% of teens have no idea how to do this.
Change tire

Friday 09/24/21 A person would need to do 25 minutes on the elliptical to burn this off.
A Carmel Apple

09/23/21 Thursday 22% of people have never done this with their family.
Attend a family reunion

09/22/21 Wednesday 6% of people brought this with them when they took a driving test.
lucky charm

Tuesday 09/21/21 People in Oregon drink more of these than any other state.
Pumpkin Spice Lattes

Monday 09/20/21 58% of men say this is the first thing they judge a woman on.

Friday 09/17/21 What are you likely to forget to take on vacation? One in seven people said (blank).

Thursday 09/16/21 50% of people do this while watching sports.
Eat pizza

Wednesday 9/15/21 Women say if they won the lottery the first three things they would buy is a home, Tiffany’s jewelry and this designer. Who is the designer?
Christian Louboutin Shoes

Tuesday 09/14/21 27% of college students belong to this.

Monday 09/13/21 58% of men go to bed on a regular basis without doing this.
Washing their face

Friday 09/10/11 24% of people say this is the most unattractive drink a person can order
An alcoholic apple cider

Thursday 09/09/21 9% of women say it’s sexy when a man picks them up for a date driving this
Hybrid or electric car

Wednesday 09/08/21 11% of women have never cooked this for a family dinner
A roast

Tuesday 09/07/2121% of people immediately do this after breaking up with someone.
Change Facebook status to single

Monday We sleeping in!!

Friday 09/03/21 10% of divorces occur because of this.
Gambling debt

Thursday 09/02/21 According to a recent survey of Tinder members. They found that men often swipe right for women who work as… a real estate agent, radiology tech or an entrepreneur. However, women most often swipe right for men who work as…

Wednesday 09/01/21 50% of employees named this as one of the perks they most want at work.
Free soda

Tuesday 08/31/21 53% of teens do this once a week.
Clear their browsing history

Monday 08/30/21 Only 63% of fathers have this in case of an emergency.
Kids insurance cards

Friday 08/27/21 22% of parents always have to remind their kids to do this.
Keep your elbows off the table

Thursday 08/26/21 This is in your kitchen and has 750 times the normal level of bacteria that’s considered safe.
Lettuce/Veggie Drawer

Wednesday 08/25/21 25% of people have a neighbor, who does this.
Plays an instrument

Tuesday 08/24/21 8% of parents will steal this candy from their kids this Halloween.

Monday 08/23/21 34% of people say doing this helps get them out of a funk.
cleaning the house

Friday 08/20/21 32% of women have been shamed by someone because they thought their choice of this was trashy. What is it?”
The book they are currently reading

Thursday 08/19/21One in twelve people say they have a lucky (blank).
Pair of socks

Wednesday 08/18/21 8% of couples have eaten this on a romantic date. What is it?”

Tuesday 8/17/21 12.5% of women have had a dream about this person?
Their partner’s brother

Monday 08/16/21 41% of women are turned on by a guy who has this.
A 5 O’Clock Shadow

Friday 08/13/21 Relationship experts say couples that do this 3x a day have a better chance of having a successful relationship then those that don’t.

Thursday 08/12/21 6 billion of these are sent each day.

Wednesday 08/11/21 29% of singles say this is a dating turn-off.
Nasty Fingernails

Tuesday 08/10/21 A survey found this to be the most boring thing you can talk about.
Your salary

Monday 08/09/21 90% of schools will serve this at lunch this year.

Friday 08/06/21 36% of women never get rid of this.

Thursday 08/05/21 The average parent will say this to their child four times a week.
Tie your shoes

Wednesday 08/04/21 19% of women won’t respond to a man if he starts out a conversation on an online dating site by saying ________ .

Tuesday 08/03/21 33% of people say if they had to choose a final meal they would eat this.
fried chicken

Monday 08/02/21 11% of men believe they look guilty when they do this for their partner.
clean the house

Friday 07/30/21 Almost 30% of women say this is their favorite way to relax in the office.
Take off their shoes

Thursday 07/29/21 28% of all arguments during a road trip are over this.
Who ate the snacks

Wednesday 07/28/21 “33% of people have borrowed this without permission. What is it?”
password for Netflix or Amazon Prime

Tuesday 07/27/21 14% of Americans have used this term of endearment with a significant other.

Monday 7/26/21 33% of kids refuse to eat this. What is it?”

Friday 07/23/21 People use this on a daily basis. It has 106 times more bacteria and germs than a toilet seat.
water bottle

Thursday 07/22/21 7% of hotel housekeepers have found this left behind in a room.

Weds 07/21/21 35% of singles have decided not to go on a second date with someone because they didn’t like this about them.
their cologne or perfume

Tuesday 07/20/21 20% of people have lied about this on their resume.
Their awards

Monday 07/19/21 33% of parents do this before going back to school shopping.
apply for a new credit card

Friday 07/16/21 The average person waits five weeks before discussing this with their new partner.

Thursday 07/15/21 56% of women won’t leave the house until this looks perfect.

Wednesday 07/14/21 Fifty years ago, 70% of homes in America had at least one of these. Today, it’s 18%.
An ashtray

Tuesday 07/13/21 9% of women believe they are more productive at work when they are wearing this.
their favorite lipstick color

Monday 07/12/2021 8% of Millennials do this on a regular basis while driving.
Video chat (Skype or FaceTime)

Friday 07/09/2021 92% of women love when this makes a man cry.

Thursday 07/08/2021 44% of people say they have to do this on vacation.
Walk on a beach at sunset.

Wednesday 07/07/2021 Men (55%) now do this more than women (43%) during the school year.
Prepare kid’s lunches

Tuesday 07/06/2021 8% of people have checked this while on the toilet.
Messages from their dating profile.

Monday 07/05/2021 Happy 4 of July Weekend!!!

Friday 07/02/2021 15% of people say this is the most romantic place to share a kiss.
In front of a fireplace

Thursday 07/01/2021 37% of men do this seven times a week.
Send a text message while driving.

Wednesday 06/30/2021 72% of people have bought this, even though they can’t pronounce it.

Tuesday 06/29/2021 2% of people have grossed out others by admitting that they kissed this.
Snake or lizard

Monday 06/28/2021 37% of people say watching this puts them in a good mood.
A Sunrise or Sunset

Friday 06/25/2021 32% of people say eating this is their guilty pleasure.

Thursday 06/24/2021 25% of people would choose to eat this rather than make love.

Wednesday 06/23/2021 68% of people do this before going on a road trip.
Check the air in their tires.

Tuesday 06/22/21 5.7% of people always ignore emails from this person.
Human Resources Manager at work

Monday 06/21/21 The average person receives 8 of these every year.
birthday cards

Friday 06/18/21 Eating this candy can raise your blood pressure.0

Thursday 06/17/21 17% of Millennials would rather give up this for a week than give up their phone.

Wednesday 06/16/21 A third of people say they will do this only when they’re on vacation.
eat desert

Tuesday 06/15/21 Online daters, who send messages that compliment someone’s __________ get 11% more responses.

Monday 06/14/21 49% of women won’t date a man, who doesn’t have this.
Sense of Humor

Friday 06/11/21 16% of married people have done this without telling their spouse.
have secret credit card

Thursday 06/10/21 36% of women own 10 or more of these.

Wednesday 06/09/21 The average person doesn’t fully appreciate this until they turn 29 years-old.

Tuesday 06/08/21 24% of married women have had an affair with this person in their dream.
Their personal trainer

Monday 06/07/21 17% of people would take a pay cut for more of this.
More closet space

Friday 06/04/21 32% of women and 18% of men have had nightmares about losing this.
Their teeth

Thursday 06/03/21 44% of people would rather do this household chore than call a 1-800 customer service number.
Scrub a toilet

Wednesday 06/02/21 Researchers say this is responsible for a 20% decrease in “camping” among couples.

Tuesday 06/01/21 56% of people have kept one of these for more than 20 years.
Stuffed Animal

Monday 05/31/21 54% of people admit they’ve forgotten this and had to call someone for help.
Where they parked their car

Friday 05/28/21 3 out of 4 parents have surprised their kids by doing this.
Singing their songs

Thursday 5/27/21 A third of husbands don’t remember this, while more than 80% of wives do.
The date of their first date

Wednesday 5/26/21  33% of pet owners have gifted their pet with this on their birthday.
a song

Tuesday 5/25/21  31% of women have broken up with a guy because he (blank).
Wasn’t smart enough

Monday 5/24/21 Women were asked to use one word to describe their spouse or partner, and this was the #1 answer.0

Friday 5/21/21 About one in five people will do this immediately after a divorce.
Move back in with their parents

Thursday 5/20/21 26% of people will eat this at a Summer barbecue.

Wednesday 05/19/21 59% of women dislike it when a man wears this.

Tuesday 05/18/21 Doing this household chore burns 41 calories.
Folding Laundry

Monday 05/17/21 57% of women won’t date a man who has this problem.
Smelly Feet

Friday 05/14/21 20% of people will visit this local outdoor location.
Dog Park

Thursday 05/13/21 43% of people have experienced this on a road trip.
A Flat Tire

Wednesday 05/12/21 People who wear this, have no idea that it’s three times dirtier than a toilet seat.
A Watch

Tuesday 05/11/21 37% of Millennials haven’t purchased this in the last year.

Monday 05/10/21 16% of people say this is their least favorite veggie.

Friday 05/07/21 Even if they’ve never done it before, 29% of men say they could do this with no problem.
Kick A Field Goal

Thursday 05/06/21 This is the top food item that people have broken a diet with while quarantining.
Piece of Cake

Wednesday 05/05/21 41% of dog owners say this is one of their pet peeves.
Strangers Petting their Dogs

Tuesday 05/04/21 If they’re reincarnated, 12% of people said it would be cool to come back as (blank).
A tree

Monday 05/03/21 4% of people have lied about this on their resume.
Their GPA

Friday 04/30/21 One in twelve people say they’re embarrassed to admit they can’t do this.
Snap their fingers

Thursday 04/29/21 7% of people admit they did this when they were in high school.
Forged a parent’s signature

Wednesday 04/28/21 28% of people say others shouldn’t wear this article of clothing when dining out.
tank top

Tuesday 04/27/21 88% of dog owners do this on a daily basis because they think their dog likes it.
Sing to them

Monday 04/26/21 38% of people have borrowed this from a roommate without telling them.

Friday 04/23/21 One in seven people were terrified of these when they were a child, and half of those people are STILL scared of them as an adult.

Thursday 04/22/21 42% of people do this when they have a cold.
gargle saltwater

Wednesday 04/21/21 30% of parents feel closer to their kids when they do this with them.
Watch TV

Tuesday 04/20/21 20% of men have lied to this person.
Their Doctor

Monday 04/19/21 Doctors say having one of these is good for your heart.
A dog

Friday 04/16/21 24% of people never clean this even though they wear it every day.
A Watch

Thursday 04/15/21 Three percent of people admit they’ve broken down and cried in the last year over this.
computer problem

Wednesday 04/14/21 28% of people do this when they make a home cooked meal.
Listen to music

Tuesday 04/13/21 80% of people have tasted this produce in a grocery store without paying for it.

Monday 04/12/21 People were asked to name the most important products in their life, and their phone was #1, followed by their car and their (blank).

Friday 04/09/21 The Big Hairy Question:
38% of people still do this as adults at the dinner table.
blow bubbles in a drink

Thursday 04/08/21 The Big Hairy Question:
The average man has never cleaned this in their home.
the oven

Wednesday 04/07/21 If 20% of brides could go back in time and change this about their wedding, they would.

Tuesday 04/06/21 One in sixteen couples who get married have this in common.
they will stay married for at least 50 years

Monday 04/05/21 37% of women would be willing to give this up in exchange for never having to do housework again

Friday 04/02/21 13% of people would rather spend a night in jail than do this in the Spring.
Their Taxes

Thursday 04/01/21 15% of cheating men have owned this pet.
a reptile

Wednesday 03/31/21 What’s most likely to start an argument in the car? 8% of people said (blank).
Driving in the passing lane

Tuesday 03/30/21
21% of people fake this when they want to end a conversation or their time with someone.
A yawn

Monday 3/29/21
76% of college students experience this at one time or another.
being broke

Friday 03/26/21 38% of women dislike it when their partner does this?

Thursday 03/25/21 40% of women, who have had an affair all have this in common.

Wednesday 03/24/21 42% of people have this food at every barbecue and cookout.
Baked Beans

Tuesday 03/23/21 68% of people do this before bed.
Kiss their S/O goodnight

Monday 03/22/21 4% of people claim they get their exercise by doing this.
Video Games

Friday 03/19/21 45% of singles would like to do this on a date.
Mini Golf

Thursday 03/18/21 One in twelve people have a fear of (blank) at their office.
The Copy Machine

Wednesday 03/17/21 20% of people have drank this on a first date.

Tuesday 03/16/21 12% of people walk by this once a day at work.
Vending Machine

Monday 03/15/21 Women say these are the top two things they like to splurge on. Flowers and ______________.

Friday 03/12/21 Drinking three of these a day can cut a man’s cancer risk by 53%.

Thursday 03/11/21 Researchers at Wake Forest University say drinking this makes you smarter because it has high levels of oxygen-enhancing nitrates and nitric oxide.
Beet Juice

Wednesday 03/10/21 People are 41% less likely to get a LIKE if they do THIS in their dating app and social media pictures.
Wear Sunglasses

Tuesday 03/09/21 15% of Women have done this before a wedding

Monday 03/08/21 2% of people own this pet

Friday 03/05/21 Online daters, who send messages that compliment someone’s _______get 11% more responses.

Thursday 03/04/21 37% of women say they pay particular attention to this on a first date.
Table manners

Wednesday 03/03/21 29% of people plan to spend their tax refund on this.
Utility Bill

Tuesday 03/02/21 40% of people dislike this about their neighbor.
their dog

Monday 03/01/21 If you’re an average American, you’ll spend about 1,800 hours this year doing this.
working your job

Friday 02/26/21 55% of women say this is their least favorite thing to shop for.
Swim Suit

Thursday 02/25/21 Six percent of women have a (blank) they took from a former partner and just never gave back after the breakup.
A Hat

Wednesday 02/24/21 88% of dog owners do this because they think their dog likes it.
sing to them

Tuesday 02/23/21 52% of men say they’d never want their mom to see (blank).
browser history

Monday 02/22/21 37% of women have done this before giving birth.
went tanning or gotten a spray tan

Friday 2/19/21 25% of workers say this is the worst thing about their office.
uncomfortable office chair

Thursday 2/18/21 : According to a new study… researchers say that to be on the safe side, you should eat this when it’s less than 12 hours old.

Wednesday 2/17/21 The average teen spends $1,078 on this.

Tuesday 2/16/21 27% of the Gen X generation (born in the (1965 – 1980) had this growing up.
A perm

Monday 2/15/21 37% of men would give this up for a full head of hair.
Alcohol and booze

Friday 2/12/21 28% of people have made this impulse purchase.

Thursday 2/11/21 10% of people think wearing this improves their chances of getting a promotion at work.

Wednesday 2/10/21 62% of men got nervous about their wedding the moment this happened.
When they were getting dressed in their tux

Tuesday 02/09/21 26% of people do this when they are cooking.

Monday 02/08/21 28% of people DO NOT want this for Valentine’s Day.

Friday 02/05/21 16% of people consistently break their diet with this?

Thursday 02/04/21 25% of people have had their day ruined because this happened first thing in the morning.
no hot water for their shower

Wednesday 02/03/21 45% of women say they do this chore because their partner hardly ever does.

Tuesday 2/02/21 39% of singles judge other singles by this.
their grammar

Monday 02/01/21 30% of people would rather do this during their free time than “camp”.

Friday 01/29/21 Only 11% of people say this is their favorite pizza topping.
BBQ/Buffalo Chicken

Thursday 01/28/21 39% of people want this for Valentine’s Day.
A Home Cooked Meal

Wednesday 01/27/21 Giving this gift on Valentine’s Day will increase your chance of romance by 20%.
A Spa Day

Tuesday 01/26/21 34% of people have done this while watching the Super Bowl.
Fallen Asleep

Monday 01/25/21 14% of people will eat this on Super Bowl Sunday.

Friday 1/22/21 47% of parents say this is their favorite thing to do with their kids.
Play Board Games

Thursday 1/21/21 33% of singles are turned off by someone, who has this.
A cat

Wednesday 1/20/21 10 million pounds of this will be eaten on Super Bowl Sunday.

Tuesday 1/19/21 A new survey asked “What’s in your junk drawer that you just can’t throw away?” The #1 answer was keys, followed by _____.
Twisty Ties

Monday 1/18/21 17% of people would rather walk five miles than see this person.
A Dentist