19.5 F
sioux city, iowa
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

What is your favorite TV show?  Below Deck and Below Deck Med. Not sure why, it’s so trashy, but I love it.

If you were stuck on an island and could only have one thing it would be?  A boat.

What is your most embarrassing moment?  I don’t really get embarassed. Everything is a learning experience.

Name one bad habit you wish you could break?  I really can’t come up with an answer. If I want to change something, I do. If there’s things I do that others don’t, it’s on purpose. 

What was your first job? Delivering newspapers. Not a bad gig except for doing it in the winter. When you deliver papers at 4am the side roads haven’t been plowed yet. 

If you weren’t in radio, you would probably be… I was recruited into radio. My primary occupation before that was a producer. Shall I name drop? Maroon 5.  Jay-Z. + + +

Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Someone will be by to top it off shortly. 

What is your favorite Disney movie? I’ll cry, actual tears, at the end of Toy Story 3.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?  There’s no quick fix. 

“Star Wars” or “Star Trek”? Star Wars, but only the original 3. When The Last Jedi threw the laws of physics out the window I stopped watching. 

What album do you listen to when you feel like doing nothing?  Doing nothing? I’m always on the move.

What movie do you have to watch if you see it on TV? Step Brothers

The world would not be the same without? Me. At least from my perspective. 

What is your favorite restaurant? There’s a place in Beverly Hills called The Stinking Rose. Nothing like it.

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