Home Q News Entertainment “Captain America: Civil War” Stars Walk Red Carpet at European Premiere

“Captain America: Civil War” Stars Walk Red Carpet at European Premiere

The cast & producers of “Captain America: Civil War” take a selfie with a fan at the European premiere; Dave J Hogan/Getty Images(LONDON) — There was a superhero invasion in London on Tuesday.

The stars of Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War walked the red carpet for the European premiere of the film.

Chris Evans is back as Captain America, who’s at odds with Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man in the sequel over a controversial government policy intended to regulate the superheroes.

“I don’t think there’s ever been such an effective use of so many superheroes at once. Obviously The Avengers was an accomplishment but we’ve never seen them fight each other,” Evans commented.

Elizabeth Olsen, who was introduced in last year’s Avengers: Age of Ultron as Scarlet Witch and returns for Civil War, said there’s more at stake in this film. “Everyone is more invested in who we are fighting,” she explained. “We’re not fighting these clear villains, aliens that we have no connection to.”

Downey said the bar remains high for Marvel sequels such as this one. “It’s kind of-mind blowing. We have to keep making good movies or it’s all for naught,” he said.

Captain America: Civil War opens in the U.S. on May 6.

Marvel is owned by Disney, the parent company of ABC News.

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