Home Q News Entertainment Hasta la vista, ladies: Paramount reveals “Women of the New ‘Terminator'”

Hasta la vista, ladies: Paramount reveals “Women of the New ‘Terminator'”


©2018 Skydance Productions, LLC and Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved.(LOS ANGELES) — The movie doesn’t yet have a title, but Paramount has revealed a breathtaking shot of the kick-butt “Women of the New Terminator” movie.

Against a background of a bombed out highway, the photo shows actresses Natalia Reyes, a shredded and scarred Mackenzie Davis, and yes, original Terminator series star Linda Hamilton, looking fierce.

Hamilton, who played Sarah Connor in both James Cameron’s 1984 original and in its 1991 blockbuster sequel Terminator: Judgment Day. In the original film, she plays a waitress who learns the son she has one day becomes the savior of mankind in a war against the machines. In the follow-up, she’s honed herself into a lethal instrument, determined to protect her son at all costs.

The shot shows she’s still every bit the fierce mama bear she was in that film. We see Hamilton, now 61, loaded for bear carrying a shotgun, wearing a bullet-proof vest stocked with a handgun and grenades, and rocking an anti-tank rocket over her shoulder.  

Her appearance also signals that this movie — technically the 6th Terminator movie — continues where T2 left off, while deleting the events of 2003’s Terminator 3: The Rise Against the Machines, and particularly the fan-and-critic-drubbed 2015 Terminator: Genisys.

This was confirmed by co-producer James Cameron, who told The Hollywood Reporter, “we’re pretending the other films were a bad dream. Or an alternate timeline, which is permissible in our multi-verse.”

Tim Miller, who directed the original Deadpool, is calling the shots on this still-shooting Terminator film, which will have Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. co-star Gabriel Luna playing one of the unstoppable killing machines.

Arnold Schwarzenegger also stars in the film, which is slated for release November 22, 2019.

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