Home Q News Music News Taylor Swift’s “very happy” with her “supportive” actor boyfriend

Taylor Swift’s “very happy” with her “supportive” actor boyfriend


BMLG/Mert & MarcusWhen Taylor Swift‘s new album, Reputation, comes out November 10, don’t expect to hear any songs about how her boyfriend, Joe Alwyn, did her wrong.  A source tells People magazine that the two are still together and their relationship is going strong.

The source tells People that Taylor and the British actor are still “very happy together,” and are spending time with each other away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi.

“Her decision to keep her relationship with Joe quiet is making her happy,” dishes the source. “They have been getting to know each other slowly without any pressure.”  Joe is also getting to know Taylor’s parents as well, according to the source.

“They seem to be on the same page…everyone likes him,” says the source. “He is very supportive of her work.”

Earlier this year, Taylor was with Joe in the U.K. while he was filming an upcoming movie called The Favourite.  He visits her in the U.S., too, but they don’t go out and hit the hot spots.

Joe “is very happy about spending time at home with Taylor,” the source claims.

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