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Michael Strahan Leaving “Live with Kelly & Michael” in Just Over Two Weeks


Lara Spencer and Michael Strahan on “Good Morning America”; ABC/Ida Mae Astute(NEW YORK) — Turns out Michael Strahan’s departure from Live with Kelly & Michael is coming a lot sooner than might have been anticipated.  He’ll be leaving the show in just over two weeks.

In a statement, the show’s spokesperson said, “After meeting with the producers of both Live and Good Morning America, and after speaking with Kelly and Michael, we have decided on a plan that best advantages both shows for the future.  To that end, Michael’s last day on Live will be on Friday, May 13, which not only gives the show the chance to have a nice send-off for him during the May [ratings period], but to also immediately begin the on-air search for a new co-host.”

The statement adds, “This plan also allows GMA to start integrating Michael into the show more often this summer before his full-time start in September.”

Kelly Ripa returned to Live Tuesday after being absent for several days.  She told the audience, “I needed a couple of days to gather my thoughts.  After 26 years with this company, I have the right.”  She also provided a photo of her and husband Marc Consuelos enjoying a 20th wedding anniversary getaway to prove she had, indeed, scheduled some time off prior to last week’s unexpected news.

“What transpired has been extraordinary, in the sense that it started a much greater conversation about communication and consideration and respect in the workplace,” Ripa said of the experience, referring to recent conversations with ABC brass. “Apologies have been made,” she added.

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