Home Q News Entertainment Star Wars Actress Daisy Ridley Opens Up About Painful Disorder

Star Wars Actress Daisy Ridley Opens Up About Painful Disorder

Tristan Fewings/Getty Images(NEW YORK) — Star Wars: The Force Awakens star Daisy Ridley revealed a powerful message on Instagram Thursday.


The 24-year-old actress posted a selfie and explained that she has been suffering from endometriosis since she was 15.


Endometriosis affects an estimated one in 10 women and is a disorder that can cause pain — sometimes severe — especially during a woman’s period, according to the Mayo Clinic.


“One laparoscopy, many consultations and 8 years down the line, pain was back (more mild this time!) and my skin was THE WORST. I’ve tried everything: products, antibiotics, more products, more antibiotics) and all that did was left my body in a bit of a mess. Finally found out I have polycycstic ovaries and that’s why it’s bad,” she wrote.


One symptom the actress experienced was bad skin, which left her feeling self conscious especially being in the public eye. “Feeling so self conscious has left my confidence in tatters. I hate wearing makeup but I currently don’t want to leave the house without it on,” she wrote n.


Ridley wrote that with the help of dermatologists and diet changes, like cutting out dairy and most sugar, she is finding relief.


“My point is, to any of you who are suffering with anything, go to a doctor; pay for a specialist; get your hormones tested, get allergy testing; keep on top of how your body is feeling and don’t worry about sounding like a hypochondriac,” she wrote.

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