Home Q News Entertainment “Game of Thrones” Actor Pays Tribute to Beloved Pal Hodor

“Game of Thrones” Actor Pays Tribute to Beloved Pal Hodor

Image courtesy of HBO; Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO(NEW YORK) — It’s been five days of mourning since we bid farewell to Hodor — the loyal servant of Winterfell and Brandon Stark’s right-hand man on Game of Thrones.

Now Bran himself, actor Isaac H. Wright, paid sweet homage to the late character with a tribute on his Twitter page.

“Even though Hodor may be gone, @KristianNairn isn’t getting away from me that easy…#HoldTheDoor #GameofThrones,” Wright tweeted Wednesday.

Fans watched helplessly Sunday night as the simple-minded Hodor — played by actor Kristian Nairn — was apparently killed by the zombie-like wights as he protected Bran and the group from the same fate.

Nairn told Entertainment Weekly earlier this week that he “loved” the way his character went out by saving the lives of his friends.

Nairn tweeted a selfie of himself alongside buddy Wright while the two actors shared what may or may not be a “Hold the Door”-themed cake, writing, “Even after all he’s done to poor hodor. I’m still sharing my cake with @Isaac_H_Wright #love #gameofthrones.”

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