61.1 F
sioux city, iowa
Saturday, September 14, 2024

2025 Q102 Pet Calendar Submissions Wanted!

Submit below a picture of your pet to potentially be featured on an ENTIRE MONTH of the 2025  Q102 Pet Calendar, and we mean ANY pets. Whether you have a cat, dog, horse, snake, lizard, cow, bird, fish, snail, lion, tiger, bear…. you get the picture. We want to see your favorite pictures of them either being goofy, just looking happy, or dressed up, we don’t care!

Then bring them to our FREE event in October to celebrate Halloween and get them added to our October month in our Q102 Pet Collage! This event will be October 19th from 10a-Noon at the Sioux City Expo Center located at 550 Expo Center Drive, Sioux City, Iowa. We will have a photographer there to take a picture of your pet with our Halloween backdrop, you can check out some of our sponsors, meet some awesome pet people, and if you want to purchase a photo of you and your pet or just your pet, you can do that too!


  • Photos should be horizontal only, we understand not all pictures can be, but remember this is going on an 8.5×11 size calendar.
  • NO PEOPLE should be in the picture.
  • Pictures should be in color, if possible. (Black and white will be taken into account though)
  • Please submit these photos via the form below, NOT BY TEXT or EMAIL.
  • All photos should be submitted by October 20th, 2024.

By submitting a photo you are giving Powell Broadcasting and Q102 Sioux City the rights to the photo. Q102 cannot guarantee what pictures will make the calendar, a committee votes on all the photos at the end of the submission period. All photos of pets taken at the Halloween event WILL be in the October month.