Home Q News Entertainment Samuel L. Jackson Says the Superhero Movie Genre Is Changing

Samuel L. Jackson Says the Superhero Movie Genre Is Changing


Gregg DeGuire/WireImage(NEW YORK) — The Legend of Tarzan is just the latest big-screen action movie starring Samuel L. Jackson, a veteran of the Star Wars prequel trilogy and seven Marvel movies, who helped kick off the expanded Marvel Cinematic Universe with an after-credits appearance in 2008’s Iron Man.

Since then, dozens of superhero films have been made — many from Marvel Studios, owned by ABC News’ parent company Disney — though other studios are also leveraged heavily in the superhero business. 20th Century Fox produces the X-Men and Wolverine series, which are based on Marvel characters, for example, and Warner Bros. backed Batman v. Superman and the upcoming Suicide Squad.

Despite it all, Jackson insists the men and women in tights haven’t saturated the movie market. In fact, a recent blockbuster from Fox, the R-rated blockbuster Deadpool, starring Ryan Reynolds, proves the genre can adapt, Jackson tells ABC Radio.

“I think the genre is evolving in an interesting sort of way,” the Oscar nominated actor and lifelong comic book fan explains. “You’ve got your, like, PG-kinda superheroes, and then you have Deadpool. People are like, “We can make money doing that?”  

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