Home Q News Entertainment Happy Prince Day!

Happy Prince Day!

Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images(MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.) — Happy Prince Day, everyone!  At least, it is if you live in Minnesota.

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton by proclamation has declared June 7 Prince Day, in honor of the late music icon and Minnesota native’s birthday.  Prince would have been 58 today.

The official proclamation praises Prince’s “outstanding contributions to music and the arts and entertainment industry,” calling him an artist who “went on to create revolutionary music and an iconic identity.”  It goes on to call Prince, “a music industry innovator, a mentor, and a humble philanthropist.”

The proclamation ends with the declaration of June 7 as “Prince Day,” but not before also encouraging Minnesotans “to wear purple on Prince Day in honor of the Purple One’s enduring legacy.”  Which, if nothing else, is also very cool for quite possibly being the first the time phrase “the Purple One” has been used in an official government document.

Prince, of course, died April 21 of an accidental overdose of the pain medication Fentanyl.

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