Home Q News Entertainment “Game of Thrones” Recap: “No One”

“Game of Thrones” Recap: “No One”

Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth; Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO(NEW YORK) — (SPOILERS AHEAD!) Bloody showdowns and tense confrontations dominated Sunday night’s episode of Game of Thrones. But, perhaps most importantly, we found out Arya’s fate following her brutal stabbing in last week’s episode. Plus, we got that long-awaited reunion between Jamie Lannister and Brienne of Tarth. Here’s what went down:

Remember those nasty stab wounds Arya suffered last week at the hands of The Waif? Well, you can all breathe a sigh of relief because Arya not only survives her trauma, but ends the episode even stronger than ever.

The actress Lady Crane, whose life Arya spared in an earlier episode, finds Arya bleeding and tends to her wounds. But her rest and recovery is short-lived. The Waif catches up with her, kills Lady Crane and chases Arya through the streets of Braavos. Just when you think it’s all over for Arya, she retrieves her trusty sword Needle for a final showdown with The Waif – and wins.  

In the last few minutes of the episode, Arya confronts Jaqan H’gaar one last time and reclaims her identity. “A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and I’m going home,” she tells him.

In the Woods
After the massacre of the innocent villagers in last week’s episode by members of the outlaw group the Brotherhood, The Hound sets off in search of the men to get his vengeance. He brutally slaughters four of them with an ax, and later helps hang another three.

Varys heads out on a mission to bring ships and allies back to Mereen. Tyrion continues his own very important mission of trying to get Grey Worm and Missandei to loosen up. Just as the super-serious former slaves begin drinking wine and telling jokes, the city comes under fire by the Masters — seeking to reclaim what Daenerys has taken from them.

But their siege might not be as successful as they anticipated, because Daenerys finally returns from her time with the Dothraki — and she’s got her dragon in tow.

King’s Landing
Cersei’s fighting back. She takes a stand against orders from the High Septon and has her massive armored bodyguard, The Mountain, kill one of his men.

Later, King Tommen announces the time and place of Cersei and Loras Tyrell’s trials. He also forbids trial by combat, so it looks like Cersei won’t be having The Mountain fight for her.

Meanwhile, Qyburn, the former maester of the Citadel, tells Cersei he’s found out information on the “rumor” she was having him investigate. We’re still not quite sure what that rumor may be.

Jamie Lannister and his old pal Brienne reunite at Riverrun, but they’re both in town for very different purposes. Jamie intends to take Riverrun from Brynden “The Blackfish” Tully and reclaim it for the Freys, while Brienne is there to convince the Tully men to join Sansa in the fight to reclaim Winterfell.

In the end, it’s Jamie who comes out on top. He makes a deal with The Blackfish’s nephew — and true Lord of Riverrun — Edmure Tully. Edmure orders the Tully men to surrender the castle and put The Blackfish in irons. A stubborn man to the end, The Blackfish refuses to go quietly and dies fighting.

Brienne leaves Riverrun, having failed Sansa. She waves goodbye to Jamie as she sails away. And for the record, Jamie lets Brienne keep his sword — ‘cause that’s what friends are for.

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