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Jimmy Kimmel celebrates his 50th birthday with Ben Affleck and a special edition of Mean Tweets and more


ABC/Randy Holmes(LOS ANGELES) — The stars turned out to celebrate and roast Jimmy Kimmel on Monday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! With Huey Lewis sitting in with the band, the quinquagenarian announced special guest Ben Affleck and explained that his staff had been planning this special birthday show, with 37 surprise celebrity guests.

First out was Adam Sandler who brought out a throne for Jimmy made of horns and joked about Jimmy’s age. He then showed a short gag film about Jimmy’s life, hosted and narrated by George Clooney. Adam didn’t get him a present, but pledged a donation to victims of the Las Vegas massacre. 

After a commercial break, Ray Romano came out to joke about Jimmy’s testicles and pledged a donation to the L.A. Children’s hospital in honor of his son Billy and announced that Bob Iger and friends at Disney made a $250,000 donation to that hospital as well. 

He then introduced “Mean Tweets: Jimmy Kimmel edition” in which celebrities like Michael Keaton, Anthony Anderson, Amy Schumer, Liam Neeson, Larry David and David Letterman read horrible things people have tweeted to Jimmy. 

Affleck joined Jimmy and shared a story about him and Matt Damon auditioning for roles together as kids. After talking about his new film, Justice League, he brought out JJ Abrams. The director somehow got a hold of an old comic book that Jimmy had drawn when he was 10, featuring a team of heroes called “The Terrific Ten.” Abrams made a trailer for a live-action film of the comic, which featured Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Shaquille O’Neal, Jon Hamm, Zach Galifinackis, Jason Bateman, Billy Crudup, Ty Burrell, Will Arnett, Wanda Sykes and, of course, Damon as the villain, “Dr. Bolt.” 

Later, Huey Lewis introduced the special musical guest, James Taylor, who performed, “Sweet Baby James.” 

Jimmy Kimmel Live! airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. on ABC.


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